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The census.jpeg
The cartoon conveys notions regarding cognitive sharpness in the elderly, intergenerational frustrations, and the use of a cartoon as a media type to introduce an undertone of humor.

Crane displays two polar reactions to the use of the word "old," communicating a message about the perceptions of the connotation of the term.

I'm sure it's nothing.jpg
With the incorporation of humor, Kaplan presents how coping mechanisms are employed in the context of health, particularly the health status of elderly people.

The better half.jpeg
Leighton depicts the way youth is preferred over old age, both stages of life seen in distinct lights.

Recommend Death.jpeg
Asay conveys ideas about intergenerational relationships, the notion of greed and how it shapes the way elderly family members are viewed even in the intrafamilial framework, as well as the desire to live and remain in the familiar.

I forget to drink.jpg
Shanahan conveys ideas about dementia, intergenerational relations, social impacts of aging, and changes in engagement in past recreational activities as an elderly person.

In a humorous manner of expression, Bell illustrates a dialogue between a young boy and his father that touches on the differently-perceived connotation of the word "old" between generations.

Old Age.jpg
Vico and Salviati capture the physical process of aging as well as how its manifestation influences self-perception and external perception.

Never too late to run.jpeg
Nankivell challenges the correlation between old age and compromised physical and cognitive abilities with the depiction of Henry G. Davis as a political candidate, running both physically and in the vice presidential race.

old man and dog.jpeg
Webster inspires ideas about reflectiveness in old age, portraying it in a dismal light through the symbolism of artistic elements.
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